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Ixalan, homebrew

Gummy Sharkfolk

A race of people inhabiting the Lemonade Lake. Closely allied with the The Lost Gummy empire, many sharkfolk are raised to be warriors. More accustomed to the depths of the lake, sharkfolk can also live on land, simply switching their tails for a pair of finned legs. Sharkfolk come in two main categories; Land living and Lake living.
ability score increase: Your charisma and strength increase by one.
age: You have a lifespan similar to humans, living about 70 years and reaching maturity around 20.
alignment: Typically, sharkfolk are dedicated to protecting their people and their allies, making many sharkfolk lawful.
Size: Medium
speed: Your speed(s) are determined by your subrace.
Languages: You can speak common and bubblaine.
sub races:

race features:
Amphibious: You can breathe both air and ‘water’.
Sharkfolk (when in water) are humanoid above the waist and have a shark-like tail below. Sharkfolk are teal and white, though the exact shades vary between families and individuals. Sharkfolk have webbed hands (and when they have them, webbed feet), as well as fins on their arms, backs, where their ears would be, and calves. Some sharkfolk choose not to wear clothing, but most choose to cover their upper bodies and waist. It is custom for royalty of this race to adorn their tails with many beads, gems and even piercings on the fin.

Those who are warriors will proudly display scars, often accentuating them by wearing bands of pearls, gold or other precious materials. More traditional, human armor is worn to protect the top half of the body, while the tail is protected by chainmail and some plating near the waist. All armor is made as lightweight and aerodynamic as possible, so that soldiers can still properly swim.   When transformed to their land form, the top half stays the same, while the tail turns to two legs, and their gills disappear. Transforming to a land form takes practice, and parents will usually begin to teach their child how to do it around 14 years old.

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