Hermits by nature, Ursuns are rarely seen to wander in packs, despite their civilized demeanor. While some tend to travel beyond their homelands, most Ursuns could be seen wandering at the northern Forests. Even though they are intimidating in sight, their honor make Ursuns forming close bonds with most, especially Elves and other Forest creatures.
Hirsune and Towering
Large and hairy, Ursuns are known for their lack of subtlety, standing at 8ft tall on average and a weight comparable to a cart. Despite that, they tend to make excellent hunters and navigators. Differentiating from their more primitive cousins, bears, Ursuns are not known to ever enter a state of hibernation.
Ursun fur ranges from Black, brown, and white, usually based on their origin. It is possible to encounter White Ursuns in the midland forests, albeit rare.
An Ancient Blessing
The Legend says that Ursuns were a creation of the Ancient Gods. They acquired their Sentience and strength from a Blessing, in order to guard the innocence of Nature in dire times.
Legend or not, Ursuns are known for their honor and their protective quality. Even those who are not worshippers of the Nature deities and wander the wildnerness, but take on the adventurous life, they have the tendency to protect their companions. However, there are always exceptions.