Father William | Monster | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Father William CR: 4

Medium humanoid, neutral evil
Armor Class: 14
Hit Points: 150
Speed: 50 ft


13 +1


16 +3


14 +2


10 +0


8 -1


6 -2

Skills: Calloused Body. All slashing and fire damage dealt to this creature is reduced by 1d4.   Sensitive Growths. All bludgeoning and cold damage dealt to this creature is increased by 1d4.
Senses: Darkvision. 60 ft. Passive Perception. 11
Languages: Common
Challenge Rating: 4


Harpoon Thrust. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage. Any damage from this attack dealt to a creature that is missing at least a quarter of it's health is increased by a base 1d6 slashing damage.   Otherworldly Glance. The eyes covering the creatures body tap into an eldritch power to stare at a creature, forcing the creature to make a wisdom saving throw (DC 16). On a succesful save the creature takes 1d6 psychic damage. On a failed saving throw all of that creatures rolls will be made with disadvantage and they take 2d6 psychic damage. On following turns, the save can be repeated, if it succeeds they take 1d6 psychic damage and the effect is removed. On a failed save they take 2d6 psychic damage and the effect persists.


Eldritch Embrace. If attacked by a creature within 10 ft, the creature can use it's reaction to cause the eyes covering it's body to sprout several milky, otherworldly tentacles, forcing the attacker to make a dexterity saving throw (DC 14) or take 1d6 necrotic damage, as well as causing the creature to regain 1d6 hitpoints.

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