Grappler | Feat | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Strength 11, dexterity 11, constittion 12

Grappling in dnd is shit. Untrained individualsĀ can do it, it has more cons than pros, and it lacks flavor. Let's fix it, but, disclaimer: describing things is at your agency, so go watch some wrestling, judo, Jiu jitsu, sabo, etc.   After taking this feat you have the following benefits: You can grapple as a bonus action, instead of an action Advantage on contested rolls to grapple/avoid grapple*, and grapple rolls in general Ability to perform takedowns when grappling or criting(at the expense of the double damage), doing str md+dex mod d6's damage Move at full speed when grappling a non-grappler lighter creature, otherwise make a check* Shoving, pulling and tripping grappled enemy as a bonus action You can use an action to disarm opponent, with a grappling check   *=Grappling rules: Grappling check rolls are d20 +str mod+ dex mod to do anything, like grappling, avoiding grappling, tripping, etc When grappled, you can only attack with unarmed strikes, including knuckle dusters, claws, teeth etc You get disadvantage when contesting a grappler, and when the contested grappler is heavier than you by at least 10 pounds (may vary at dm's will. Please don't grapple large animals like horses and dragons, it makes no sense). Remember, 1 advantage + 1 disadvantage=normal roll Successful takedowns lead to opponent being prone. Successful shoving and pulling move opponent at least 5 feet, and player by 0+speed used to shove/pull, eg I grapples a dwarf and after moving 10 feet forward I shoved him on his hairy wife, 5 feet behind him. Tripping can give you advantage on your next action, but when the contested rolled save has a difference greater than 20, it's a free takedown. You can pin a creature, making both of you incapacitated, having to make rolls to escape, in which you can fail willfully to stand up simultaneously. Half-pinning (to enable you using weapons and items with one hand while pinning), it's a thing, giving advantage on escape rolls against pinned creature All attacks while grappled/grappling have disadvantage unless they are unarmed strikes against the grappling/grappled creature.

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