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Lost One

You were a human once, adventuring with your party. You remember it fondly. A tiefling, a high elf, and an orc. Then there was you. The little human. You were in a desert, taking refuge in a cave. And that's where it happened. They left while you slept, and you awoke to a beast gazing down at you. It dripped a glowing light blue ooze from it's eyes and mouth. It looked like a Coyote, but twisted terribly. It attacked you. It hurt. You screamed for your friends, but they didn't come. You died that night. But the very next day you found yourself conscious. You were still alone. You remember your death in great detail, and still have the wounds. Your body feels... odd. You're confused, frightened, and devastated. Your party left you to die, and now you have no one.   Why did they do that?   You will never be the same.
ability score increase: +3 Wisdom -2 Charisma +2 Dexterity +1 Constitution
age: 0-1,000
alignment: Usually Lawful Neutral
Size: Large
speed: 35ft walking, 40ft floating.
Languages: Common, Undercommon, 2 of your choice
race features:
Lost One's Drift   Lost Ones can float up to 1 foot off of any surface. They can do this for as long of a period as they want.   Tormented Eyes   Others can see the pain that Lost Ones have endured in their eyes. When a Lost One looks someone- or something- directly in the eyes for 5 seconds that person or thing becomes sympathetic towards them. They deal 1 less damage in all categories to the Lost One, and the Lost One gets to roll an extra die ( same type as their other die(s) ) for any checks associated with that person or thing that involve Charisma.   Monophobia   Lost Ones are paranoid when alone, causing them to be more aggressive if antagonized. If alone, Lost Ones get a +3 Strength increase.   (AT LEVEL 10) Blight's Remnants   The MonophoBlight has left remnants of it's undying determination and rage imprinted in the Lost One. Lost Ones can use this remnant once a day to give all of their stats a +2 buff for 5 actions.
Lost Ones are humans who were abandoned, and then killed by a creature infected by the MonophoBlight. The MonophoBlight allows infected creatures to detect any human who is alone near them. After a human is killed by one, they return 24 hours later as a Lost One.

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