Dullahan are an unusual type of headless Humanoid undead, created by the god of the Afterlife, such as Kelemvor. Often depicted mounted upon a horse or other mount, they typically travel the world, though some find themselves settling in a town, often as an undertaker, or a Grave Cleric. They’re quite rare, with many odd legends told about them, but they’re often more friendly than one would assume, so long as no-one gets between a Dullahan and their head. If something were to happen to a Dullahan’s head, the Dullahan would go to any length necessary to retrieve it. They often keep their head on their shoulders, where it functions as if it were attached, or carried in an off hand. When their head is not attached, whether it’s been stolen, knocked off, or is being carried, The spot where their head and/or neck would be is pitch black, with smoke-like black emissions that rise about as high as the top of a human’s head, before dissipating.Darkvision
Soul Collector.
When you are below half your health and defeat a creature, before the end of your next turn, you can use your reaction to consume its soul before the end of your next turn. When you do so, you regain hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. At 9th level this becomes your Constitution modifier + your Proficiency, and at 17th level it becomes your Constitution + twice your Proficiency.