Zombie Washer
The zombie washers of the Southeast Canton have the unenviable task of keeping the undead troops of the Magister's Dominion clean to prevent disease and infestations. The Magisters of the Dominion lay claim to the physical bodies of their citizens through the Tax of Blood & Bone.
There are some dirty jobs in the Zone, everything from poop collectors to maggot farmers or Blood Bar spongers. Zombie Washers make the bottom of that smelly list. I've had some questionable jobs meself on my rise up to Sergeant! It may stink, but at least it's honest work.
The job of zombie washer is given to the poorest and most low-class sophonts in the Magister's Dominion. It's usually given to goblins or Pit-Meat with the lowest marks out of training.
The actual task consists of maintaining the Zombie Pens in the Magister's Dominion at the direction of their necromantic masters. They are responsible for the care and cleaning of mindless undead soldiers, mostly skeletons and zombies. They hose off zombies on Days of Rest or after Days of War. They clean and repair their armor and weapons. They remove any rotting flesh with wire brushes or clippers.
The zombie washers make the call to convert a zombie into a skeleton if too much of its flesh has been damaged. The necromantic processs that creates zombies also preserves them, slowing decay and corruption, but not totally preventing it.
The Southeast Canton of the Kirinal Concorance Zone is protected by undead armies pledged to the defense of our world. They reanimate the material remains of enemies and allies as zombies, skeletons, or other corporeal undead.
The life of a zombie washer is harsh, with dangers lurking in every task. The relentless exposure to decay and rot means they must take extreme precautions to protect themselves from the undead they work with.
Despite their crucial role in maintaing the Magister's undead armies, the zombie washers are threated with disdain and neglect. They recieve no recognition for their work and are notoriously underpaid and undersupplied.
Woah, yuck! That's some grimy work. And nice visceral prose.
Thank you! They asked for a dirty job, and this one's pretty bad!
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