Veoric Sun Rozzo

Veoric Sun Rozzo

He's a devil vampire cyborg witch, what more could you want?

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

More recently Veoric has seemed slimmer and more hollow somehow, but he is still the tallest and bulkiest of the Returners despite being neither particularly tall nor bulky for the Zone at large.

Body Features

Though he often hides it. Veoric is missing his right leg above the knee. He uses a magical prosthetic that replaces it completely, but those who knew a young, green, spiky tiefling remember a boy with a peg and a crutch.

Facial Features

Demon horns, vampire fangs, red eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

I mean, how many tiefling dhampirs wander around the Zone in general? I suspect the only anonymity he's got is the mind-numbing variety the Pit brings as a multi-versal corridor to everywhere...

Physical quirks

Still has a bit of a lopsided gait from years of not having a second magical leg to walk on.

Special abilities

Life-draining is a new thing he has acquired. Guess he can count that. He's also a witch, so, witchcraft too.

Apparel & Accessories

Expensive clothes, but not crisply maintained. Veoric dresses to look richer than he is, though, with how many bilogs the Triple B guild brings in... that might not be true for long.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

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Veoric uses the surname Sun Rozzo, but he is officially labeled in the Tortoise Conclave's profile as clanless. Veoric doesn't recall much of his childhood before the accident that took his right leg, and left him in the zone in the hands of a greedy conman caretaker. A childhood in the countryside with distant human relatives, and his accident being part of a carriage ride point to being from a wealthier family, but that meant nothing when he was forced to beg on the street as a peg-legged child for bilog that was taken from him every night and beaten for his questions. Veoric soon fled and lived life as an orphan in the zone, jumping the lightning train for another slice of the zone.

He went from begging to hustling to peddling anything to survive and keep purchasing new prosthetics as he outgrew them. His natural magic let him put on a front as a magician and he used this to worm his way into a criminal gang for a short time before they realized he wasn't as powerful as he led on, and he turned on them to the ZAP after a botched job. He served a short prison sentence, but in the Tortoise jails, he was provisioned a magical prosthetic, and he could walk for the first time in over a decade. His stint in lockup didn't improve his behavior, and Veoric resumed his shady schemes upon release.

It was during one such scheme to find a way to the Tortoise's hex crystal storerooms that his fate turned. A pathway through the ventilation and maintenance tunnels ended with Veoric trapped in one of the piston shafts which allow the Tortoise to roll along the railway. With a wall of metal coming to crush him, Veoric tried every trick to try and stop the sturdy artifice of the mobile city, including detonating his ident-a-hedron to damage the piston mechanism. Close to death, Veoric tried any magic he could recall from years, peddling scraps or trading scrolls, and a strange clockwork sphinx appeared offering him a way to live in exchange for a warlock's bond. Veoric accepted, and the Gyrosphinx opened the clockwork road. A short trip landed him in the halls of the Triple B Guild, and he was given the choice to chase bounties or become one.

Veoric showed up one day with a strange construct familiar assigned to join a newly assembled squad of beacon finders in the Triple B Guild.

Gender Identity

Male. Seems to be in an emo phase for what that says.


I suppose, if you want some, come get some. Being a spiny devil-kin cripple didn't give Veoric much opportunity to develop a sexual side. So, it's immature.


Veoric was educated to be a wizard, by private tutor.

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This is a lie. He had a decent education as a child before coming to the Zone, but had to pick up what he could floating through orphanages in the Zone after arrival and before aging out.


Official guild member in good standing of the Triple B Guild.

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Also, technically a concordant warlock, his papers are in order for that too.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Saved Cutter and Cluckthullu. Drank the blood of an Ixallan Master and became a dhampir. Helped a mushroom get a bath from a magic moth...

Failures & Embarrassments

Dying on the whole path to becoming a dhampir.
That time he ended up in prison he doesn't talk about.

Intellectual Characteristics

Tends to ponder situations to find a loophole or scheme to escape. Doesn't mind being told what to do as long as it'll lead to something interesting.

Morality & Philosophy

Will tell you what you want to hear if he knows it, probably just before doing the opposite...


Despite his penchant for lying about himself, Veoric avoids lying about others behind their back.

Personality Characteristics


Live another day. Veoric is a survivor and has a bit of a chip on his shoulder for proving that he can succeed as well as anybody else.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Is a fairly proficient magic user for a lying witch. Is actually, a very poor thief... for a lying witch.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: cracking jokes, making up stories about his past, warm drinks with iron in them.

Dislikes: letting people know he is a warlock or about his leg, being out of money

Virtues & Personality perks

Down for anything.

Vices & Personality flaws

Will get up to anything.
Lies about himself, constantly.


After getting a magic invisible servant to take care of him, Veoric keeps himself quite clean and well groomed.


Contacts & Relations

Does have a fair number of connections to fences and hustlers in the gray markets of the zone.
Member of the Triple B Guild.
There is now a vampire cultist named Nadja for whom he may now be a new master?

Family Ties

Doesn't mention any

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Can't remember any either

Religious Views

Idolizes the trickster god, Naraky

Social Aptitude

Is quite friendly, persuasive, and a convincing liar. Seems pretty nice if you don't look too deep.

Hobbies & Pets

Recently acquired Cluckthullu, a giant chicken that eats the undead. Though that is technically Cutter's pet, but Cutter works for Veoric now, so...


Speaks with a heavy Molndalian accent. He accentuates it because of its affinity for both devil-kin and wealth. It helps him pass more as a Molndalian noble and not another lost soul in the Zone.

Wealth & Financial state

The few bilog he keeps in his pocket, and whatever he earns from the guild.

A tiefling of the zone always hustling for work on his prosthetic right leg. Quick with a story and blessed with a knack for magic. He is often accompanied by a flying construct creature.

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Honorary & Occupational Titles

Long-lost prince and heir to Morozzo

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If you haven't caught on yet, that one was a lie

Current Residence
The Tortoise
Red (previously gold)
white (previously black)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
gray (previously green)
5ft 7in
Quotes & Catchphrases

I do believe...

Known Languages

Common, Dwarven, Elven

Cover image: World of Wizard's Peak Generic Header by Gillian Galang


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