Blue Network

The Blue Network in the Satrapy of Ta-Arma is a group of rebels with the stated goal of "removing the yoke of Borthakaran conquest." They consist of native goblins, humans, and hobgoblins who have lived under orcish rule for almost two centuries. The Network has been "destroyed" many times only to turn up again a few years later. At this point, I shall limit any further discussion about the internal scuffles of our Concordant organizations.

I always tell it straight, and I'll do it here too. I'm an orc of Borthakar by blood and birth, but I haven't been back to the ol' Empire for decades. We conquered Ta-Arma before the Concordance. We should've just brought them fully into the Empire instead of trying to turn them into some sorta weird colony. I've served next to plenty of gobbos and hobs here in the Zone with no problems. But back "home" no one can get along! What is that?

After the Lichwars, the Free Lands of Ta-Arma were conquered by the Empire of Borthakar after decades of bitter and bloody struggle. The resistance went underground and was led by the mind mage Atho the Blue.

The orcs turned the Free Lands into a Satrapy ruled by governors appointed by and answerable only to them. They used the ports they gained by conquering Ta-Arma to gain access to Reaver's Deep for trade and possible conquest.

The native Ta-Armans view the Blue Network as freedom fighters and regularly provide them with support and shelter, hiding them from the orcish overlords.

The Blue Goblins

Additionally, the Blue Network seeks out and protects blue goblins, who appear in Ta-Arma with more frequency than they do anywhere else. These psionic goblins have become a symbol of the Network and often rise to leadership positions in the rebellion.

Blue goblins, with their natural mental powers, are often targeted for extermination or exploitation by those who fear their powers or seek to exploit them.

Illicit, Rebel
Related Species


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Jul 31, 2024 01:03 by E. Christopher Clark

As I've said before, I love how Instructor and Sarge set the stage in your articles. They help to create this real lived-in quality for the world, at least in this article (and elsewhere, I think, though my brain is making me doubt myself).

Jul 31, 2024 13:02 by Chris L

Thank you! They definitely talk in my head when I'm writing! I'm enjoying how embarrassed Sarge is by the "old ways" in his homeland that haven't quite gone away! (Like me with Florida!!!)

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