The foremost order of holy warriors in the world. Serving the god Anam, they have defined the tenets of law and the virtues of good for 1,700 years.
A new clockwork moon has risen in the sky and the moon's children are overcome with strange mechanical maladies.
The magitech of the Zone allows those with missing limbs or organs to replace them with hex crystal powered prosthetics.
Gigantic flying reptiles from prehistory reemerged into the world after the Day of Dispelling. They have been domesticated by the Jakar Horse Lords.
The Mountain Jakar have made the most out of the sudden appearance of a cave of dinosaurs on their lands.
Traditional batok tattoo needles are used to inscribe beautiful, and sometimes magical, tattoos into the skin of the worthy.
The Bakunawa's Grave appears on nights of the full moon in large bodies of water. Sometimes the waters are still, sometimes they roil with scaly coils.
The old stories say that the six lost moons seek a way to take their rightful places back in the sky. No one really believed it until one did!
Lunapalooza is coming! Come celebrate the moon of Thaya and all her glory! I'm sure that the new sinister moon in the sky will have no effect on anything whatsoever!
The lands just outside of the Zone have never recovered from the Catastrophes. The blighted soil of the Wastes cannot support life, but some find a way.
Bats have been the only species to successfully colonize the Kirinal Wastes. Some are large enough to ride!
Outlaws, religious zealots, and monsters hide in the Kirinal Wastelands. They seek to avoid the attention of the law.
The eight piece Crown of Sun & Moon was worn by the moon goddess when she visited with her husband, the sun god. It's pieces are distributed throughout the world and on the moon.
The churches of the sun & moon united after the death of the moon goddess. Now after 200 years, that union may be coming to an end.
An elite force of magical warriors responsible for protecting the Navigator of Worlds.
The entertainment district of Tower Town comes to life at night with great music and incredible venues.
The Talino's took back their freedom from the sea devils, turning themselves from a conquered people into a cultural force across three continents.
The ancient ent Oak Father spent two millenia protecting the green world and innocent lives. He is best known for his romance with a mushroom.
The famous Myconid Mother is an awakened mushroom and celebrated in the Zone for her relationship with the Oak Father. Her mysterious origin remains to be explored.
The contract presented by the Lords of Hell to the Kirinal Concordance Zone. This legally binding and easy to get out of agreement cedes an amount of time in the Kirinal Pit to Hell.
Tito Corbin was many things: cutpurse, pirate, minor mage, restaurateur, businessman. The first mix-o-mancer met a fiery end for stealing from his customers.
When Entulesse elves return from Faerie as adults, they have a year to adjust to the mortal world before taking on adult responsibilities.
The tranquil Empyrean Ki-Rin Monastery is a place of healing and meditation for the citizens of the Kirnal Concorance Zone.
Mix-o-mancers create drinks using flamboyant magic, spiraling fire, and delicious ingredients.
Stories of the six lost moons are popular among all cultures and all the mortal people of the world.
Mushrooms growing in the magical soil of the Kirinal Pit confer temporary magical power to those who eat them, but they are slightly poisonous. They are the main ingredient in psychic beer.
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One of the most widespread franchise businesses in the world, Tito Corbin's Taverns can be found throughout the world.
This settlement on the Outer Ring of the Zone is known for its successful mushroom farms, mushroom products, and psychic beer.
Hexworm frass collectors are responsible for cleaning up after giant worms. Sometimes the dung contains something valuable or dangerous. Usually though, it's just shit.
The main prison complex in the Tortoise Conclave Canton, the dwarven "slice" of the Zone. It also functions as a work camp producing a variety of goods, most famously psychic beer.
Spoken in the greatest human empire of a former age, this language is the root of the current Common Tongue.
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